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Introduction to Electronic Components: A Step By Step Guide
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (4:34)
2. Basics
1. Voltage Current and Resistance (5:45)
2. Types of Current (2:32)
3. Types of Circuits (1:50)
3. Introduction to DMM
1. Practical: Introduction to Digital Multi-meter DMM (6:40)
4. Voltage: Taking Measurements
1. Volt Ohm Meter Basics (4:45)
2. Measuring Voltage (12:30)
3. Practical How to Measure DC Voltage (2:56)
5. Current: Taking Measurements
1. Measuring Current (5:01)
2. 8 Measuring Currents - Lab Experiement Explained (10:38)
3. Practical 1: How to Measure Current (4:28)
4. Practical 2: How to Measure Current (0:30)
6. Resistance: Taking Measurements
1. Measuring Resistance (7:53)
2. Practical: How to test Resistors (5:18)
7. Circuit Diagram Basics
1. Circuit Diagram Basics and Basic Symbols (12:14)
8. Resistors
1. Introduction To Resistor and Color Band Coding (8:57)
2. Power Dissipation + Parallel and Series Resistors (12:17)
9. Ohm's Law
1. Ohm's Law (13:44)
10. Capacitors
1. Introduction To Capacitors (11:02)
2. Capacitors Behavior + Capacitors in Series and Parllel (6:55)
3. Practical 1: How to test a capacitor (2:58)
4. Practical 2: How to test A Capacitor (1:43)
11. Inductors
1. Introduction to Inductors (7:01)
2. Practical: How to test and measure Coils (5:56)
12. Diodes
1. Introduction to Diode + Zener Diode and LED (8:28)
2. Practical 1: How to test a Diode (1:48)
3. Practical 2: How to test a Diode (1:41)
13. Transistors
1. Introduction to Transistors (9:45)
2. Practical 1: How to test a transistor (4:03)
3. Practical 2: How to test a transistor (4:23)
4. Practical 3: How to test a transistor (2:29)
14. who we are
1. Who We Are? (5:23)
15. End of Course
1. End Of Course (1:45)
16. Bonus Lecture: Coupons, Gifts and More
1. Bonus Lecture (16:47)
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2. Measuring Voltage
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