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Gut Health - Relaxation in the Intestines
1. Introduction to this course
1. Welcome (4:41)
2. How does this course work (0:50)
3. Workbook - YGLM
2. Importance of MB
1. Whats the MB and why important (3:01)
2. The gut MB (3:12)
3. How can you influence MB
1. How can you influence MB (0:41)
2. Immune system (2:04)
3. Antibiotics (1:25)
4. Hygiene (2:19)
4. The Your Gut Life Method
2. Our Lifestyle (0:33)
3. Stress (1:36)
4. Excercise (1:18)
5. Sleep (1:21)
6. Food (3:40)
5. The Your Gut Life Shopping List
1. The YGLM (0:59)
2. Shopping (4:57)
3. Fiber (4:44)
4. Stock your kitchen (2:17)
5. Meal prep (2:33)
6. Fermentation (1:58)
7. Make a bowl (2:04)
8. Variety and moderation (3:04)
6. Congrats
1. Congrats (1:24)
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1. Whats the MB and why important
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