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Windows IoT Bundle: Learn how Windows can be used in IoT
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (3:33)
2. Quick Overview (10:26)
3. Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio (6:42)
4. Download and Install Windows 10 IoT Core on SD Card (6:00)
5. Raspberry Pi Hardware and Software Setup (8:45)
6. Raspberry Pi Model B Unboxing (3:27)
7. Raspberry Pi Programming (4:20)
8. Windows Device Portal Walkthrough (8:33)
2. Raspberry Pi Overview
1. Raspberry Pi Overview (6:47)
3. Prepare Environment
1. Prepare Environment for Your First Code (13:18)
2. Connecting LED to Raspberry Pi GPIO (6:06)
3. Write Your First Code and Draw the User Interface (25:15)
4. Practical: Control Output Device with Input Signal
1. Coding Process (26:55)
2. Practical Implementation and Code Testing (8:51)
5. Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi And Windows 10 IoT
1. Introduction & Getting Started (4:10)
2. Hardware and Software Requirements (3:17)
6. Smart Home - Rooms Setup
1. Smart Home Rooms Setup (7:57)
2. Devices and Rooms addressing Mechanism (3:12)
7. Circuit Schematic
1. Download and Install Fritzing Software (6:00)
2. Circuit Schematic Part1 (9:39)
3. Circuit Schematic Part2 (14:44)
8. Wiring Smart Home appliances
1. How to wire home appliances with Relay Module (5:56)
2. How a Relay Module Works (5:00)
9. Software and Communication Protocol
1. Software and Communication Protocol (14:08)
2. Software and Communication Protocol Example (7:06)
10. Arduino Coding
1. Download and Install Arduino IDE (9:23)
2. Arduino Coding Part1 (12:23)
3. Arduino Coding Part2 (8:49)
4. Arduino Coding Part3 (22:53)
11. Visual Studio for IoT
1. Download and Install Visual Studio for Coding (6:42)
2. Download and Install Windows 10 IoT Core on SD Card (6:00)
3. Windows Device Portal Walkthrough (8:33)
4. Prepare Environment for Your First Code (13:18)
12. Classes Needed for This Project
1. Classes Diagram (6:55)
13. User Interface Structure Explained
1. User Interface Structure Explained (6:56)
14. User Interface - Main Dashboard
1. User Interface - Main Dashboard Part1 (13:00)
2. User Interface - Main Dashboard Part1 (15:00)
15. Practical Testing
1. Practical Circuit Connection (9:10)
2. Practical Testing (9:19)
16. Introduction & Getting Started
1. Introduction (2:54)
2. Hardware and Software Requirements (2:17)
3. Download and Install Arduino Pro IDE (2:39)
4. Download and Install Windows 10 IoT Core on SD Card (6:00)
5. Windows Device Portal Walkthrough (8:33)
6. Download and Install Visual Studio for Coding (6:42)
7. I2C Overview (9:07)
8. Arduino Wire Library (2:52)
9. I2C Circuit Connection (6:07)
10. Arduino Coding (10:18)
11. Windows IoT User Interface (6:49)
12. Windows IoT C Backend Coding (16:19)
13. Practical Connection (2:21)
14. Practical Testing (2:27)
17. Arduino I2C Communication
1. Introduction (4:13)
2. Where to use i2c communication (3:01)
3. I2C Pins in Arduino (2:54)
4. Arduino Wire Library I2C Functions (10:22)
5. Arduino to Arduino I2C Communication Circuit Design (3:35)
6. Arduino to Arduino I2C Communication coding (19:28)
7. Arduino to DS1307 Time and Date Module Circuit Design (7:20)
18. Bonus Lecture: Gifts, Coupons, and More.
1. Bonus Lecture (16:47)
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2. Circuit Schematic Part1
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