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Mastering PHP, MySQL and JavaScript for web developers
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (2:43)
2. How to ask a great questions (1:21)
3. Installing code editor (3:48)
4. What is JavaScript (8:54)
5. Hello World Program (13:32)
6. Getting Output (10:56)
7. Internal JavaScript (13:28)
8. External JavaScript (8:49)
9. External JavaScript (3:45)
10. Async and defer (5:49)
2. JavaScript Basics
1. Variables (12:40)
2. Data Types (9:40)
3. Numbers (5:47)
4. Strings (5:54)
5. String Formatting (5:14)
3. JavaScript Operators
1. Arithmetic operators (7:14)
2. Assignment operators (3:07)
3. Comparison operators (6:06)
4. Logical operators (7:45)
4. JavaScript Conditional Statements
1. If-else statement (5:18)
2. If-else-if statement (4:28)
5. JavaScript Control Flow Statements
1. While loop (8:31)
2. Do-while loop (2:29)
3. For loop (7:56)
4. Coding Exercise (1:35)
5. Solution for Coding Exercise (1:39)
6. JavaScript Functions
1. Creating a Function (7:23)
2. Function Call() (6:51)
3. Function with parameters (5:08)
7. JavaScript Error Handling
1. Try-catch (5:24)
2. Try-catch-finally (16:35)
8. JavaScript Client-Side Validations
1. On Submit Validation (8:42)
2. Input Numeric Validation (12:16)
9. PHP Introduction
1. What is PHP (8:00)
2. Installing XAMPP for PHP, MySQL and Apache (12:05)
3. Installing Code Editor(Visual Studio Code) (6:33)
4. Creating PHP Project on XAMPP (3:27)
5. Creating PHP Project on XAMPP (5:45)
10. PHP Basic
1. Variables (16:02)
2. Echo and Print (8:02)
3. Data Types (10:55)
4. Numbers (6:03)
5.Boolean (3:45)
6. Arrays (6:18)
7. Multi-Dimensional Array (6:48)
8. Sorting Arrays (3:38)
9. .Constants (4:59)
11. PHP Strings
1. Strings (4:21)
2. String Formatting (5:16)
3. String Methods (7:32)
4. Coding Exercise (1:14)
5. Solution for Coding Exercise (1:29)
12. PHP Operators
1. Arithmetic operators (3:03)
2. Assignment operators (2:29)
3. Comparison operators (4:57)
4. Increment – decrement operators (3:28)
5. Logical operators (6:21)
6. Ternary operator (3:25)
13. PHP Decition making mystem
1. If statement (5:14)
2. If-else statement (2:08)
3. If-elseif-else statement (3:18)
4. Switch-case statement (4:44)
14. PHP Control flow statements
1. Flow Chart (6:26)
2. While loop (8:50)
3. Do-while loop (3:30)
4. For loop (14:38)
5. Foreach loop (3:56)
6. Coding Exercise (1:25)
7. Solution for Coding Exercise (0:56)
15. PHP Functions
1. Creating a Function (7:29)
2. Function with Arguments (7:41)
3. Default Argument (2:37)
4. Function return values (6:06)
5. Call-by-value (1:38)
6. Call-by-reference (2:32)
16. PHP Super globals
1. $_POST Method (5:52)
2. $_GET Method (2:23)
17. PHP Advanced
1. Form Handling (8:03)
2. Date and Time (7:56)
3. Include (6:11)
4. Require (2:10)
5. Sessions (7:57)
6. File Reading (2:22)
7. File Upload (6:26)
18. PHP Object oriented programming[OOPs]
1. What is OOP (2:44)
2. Class and Objects (10:47)
3. Constructor (3:50)
4. Access Modifiers (10:12)
5. Inheritance (11:54)
6. Method overriding (5:52)
7. Abstract Class (3:23)
8. Interface (8:08)
19. PHP – MySQL Application [CRUD]
1. MySQL Basic PhpMyAdmin (3:55)
2. Creating Database and Table (7:28)
3. Database Connection (5:21)
4. PHP Form Create records (15:53)
5. PHP Form Reading records (10:44)
6. PHP Form Update Data (14:49)
7. PHP Form Delete records (4:07)
20. PHP Realword code forms
1. Registration Form (4:28)
2. MD5 Algorithm for Encrypting (3:21)
3. Sha Algorithm (2:13)
4. Login Form (11:49)
21. PHP Validations
1. On Submit Validation (8:42)
2. Input Numeric Validation (12:16)
3. Login Form Validation (5:13)
4. Form Server-side all Data Validation (6:17)
5. Form Server-side Validation (5:43)
22. PHP Error handling
1. Try-throw-catch-finally (1:50)
23. MYSQL introduction
1. Overview of Databases (10:23)
2. MySQL Installation (15:49)
3. MySQL Workbench Installation (9:04)
4. Connecting to MySQL using Console (9:00)
24. MySQL basic
1. Overview of Challenges (3:43)
2. SQL Statement Basic (15:30)
3. SELECT Statement (9:19)
5. Column AS Statement (11:43)
6. COUNT function (11:03)
25. MySQL filtering data
1. SELECT WHERE Clause – One (4:36)
2. SELECT WHERE Clause – Two (10:40)
3. ORDER BY (7:41)
4. LIMIT (8:34)
5. BETWEEN (11:18)
6. IN Operator (10:40)
7. LIKE and ILIKE (11:11)
26. MySQL functions
1. Overview of GROUP BY (5:39)
2. Aggregation function SUM() (8:52)
3. Aggregation MIN() and MAX() (5:29)
4. GROUP BY - One (9:13)
5. GROUP BY – Two (11:45)
6. HAVING Clause (5:04)
26. MySQL joins
1. Overview Assessment (1:59)
2. Overview of JOINS (3:36)
3. Introduction to JOINS (4:01)
4. AS Statement table (3:04)
5. INNER JOIN (18:29)
6. FULL Outer Join (11:11)
7. LEFT Outer JOIN (7:53)
8. RIGHT JOIN (7:45)
9. Union (6:44)
28. MySQL advanced commands
1. Advanced SQL Commands (3:37)
2. Timestamps (12:22)
3. EXTRACT from timestamp (9:59)
4. Mathematical Functions (11:39)
5. String Functions (22:15)
6. SUBQUERY (13:25)
29. MySQL structure creation
1. Database and Tables (6:09)
2. Data Types (10:30)
3. Primary key and Foreign key (5:33)
4. Create Table in SQL Script (13:12)
30. MySQL data queries
1. Insert (10:46)
2. Update (7:08)
3. Delete (4:08)
31. MySQL structure queries
1. Alter Table (9:30)
2. Drop Table (5:20)
32. MySQL constraints
1. NOT NULL Constraint (7:54)
2. UNIQUE Constraint (9:14)
33. MySQL backup and restore
1. Overview of Databases and Tables (4:50)
2. Backup database using phpMyAdmin (12:27)
3. Restoring a Database (7:03)
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