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Learn Docker and Kubernetes Container Virtualization
1. What Is Server Virtualization?
1. Understanding Virtualization (3:26)
2. What Are Containers?
1. Explaining Containers - and a Quick Peek at LXD (7:00)
3. An Introduction to Docker
1. Working With Docker Engine (6:27)
2. Creating Docker Images (3:56)
3. Working With Docker Storage and Networking (6:13)
4. Other Docker Tools
1. Docker Swarm (4:31)
2. Docker Compose (6:27)
5. An Introduction to Kubernetes
1. Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm (3:32)
2. Visualizing Kubernetes (6:47)
6. Working With Kubernetes
1. Kubernetes -Ways to Play (5:13)
2. Kubernetes in Action (and course review) (6:13)
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1. Understanding Virtualization
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