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Krita - Basic Concepts For Illustration and Digital Art.
1. Introduction
1. Krita Basic Tools (4:44)
2. Drawing Composition and types of perspectives
1. Drawing Composition (Balance and coherence) (4:07)
2. Aerial Perspective (4:24)
3. Linear Perspective (3:41)
4. Atmospheric Perspective (3:43)
3. The chromatic circle and color harmony
1. Color Harmony (4:09)
2. The Chromatic circle (2:28)
4. Everything you should know about colors
1. Why use a gray background (4:52)
2. Influence of color intensity (7:37)
3. Warm colors and cool colors (6:54)
4. Basic Color Psychology (7:25)
5. Gestaltism in art and still life
1. Gestaltism in art (2:56)
2. Still Life (Exercise proposal) (11:12)
6. Monochromatic painting, Drawing Styles and Pixel art
1. Creating pixel art (1:54)
2. Concept Art (4:49)
3. Monochromatic painting (4:17)
4. Learning New Drawing Styles (8:08)
7. Ecosystem and Splash art
1. Splash Art (10:22)
2. Creating an ecosystem (10:25)
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2. Concept Art
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