1. Course Introduction

In this course, you'll learn how to give a simple self-introduction, talk about everyday items, and count objects. Here is the content you will find in each lesson.

Video Lesson

An interactive video lesson where you will learn basic vocabulary and phrases that are useful in daily life. The videos will prompt you to speak, so make sure you're in an environment where you can talk aloud.


In the Resources section, you'll find a downloadable summary that includes the key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar from the video. You can print these summaries for quick reference to the things you've learned.


Each lesson has a review video where you'll practice the phrases you learned in the current and previous lessons.

Quizlet Set

The lessons include a Quizlet set that includes additional vocabulary that can be applied to the lesson. You can use the flashcards, match, or learn features to memorize the additional vocabulary terms.

Additional Vocabulary List

In the Resources section, you'll find a downloadable vocabulary list. This list includes all of the additional vocabulary along with their kanji, furigana, romaji, and translations.

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