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IoT Internet of Things Bundle
1. Introduction & Getting Started
1. Introduction (2:19)
2. IoT Internet of Things
2. What is ESP32 (4:30)
1. Hardware and Software Requirements (1:53)
3. ESP Board Overview (10:02)
4. ESP 32 Pinout v1 DOIT (9:08)
3. Get The Development Environment Ready
2. ESP8266 Download and Install Arduino ESP and USB Driver (6:18)
1. Download and Install Arduino IDE (9:23)
3. ESP32 v1 Download and Install Arduino Development environment (4:05)
4. Load Your First Code to ESP32 Board (3:45)
4. Code Examples
2. Control Built In Touch Sensor with LED (11:06)
1. Blinking a LED (5:48)
3. Dealing with Analog Signals (8:05)
4. Dealing with PWM Control (14:38)
5. ESP32 Email Based on Sensors Reading
2. Install ESP32 Mail Library for Arduino (1:26)
1. What is SMTP Server (1:24)
3. Create a New Email Account to be used as Sender (4:49)
4. SMTP Server Settings (2:36)
5. Coding the ESP32 Email Alert Project (12:12)
6. Coding the ESP32 Email Alert Project Part2 (9:55)
7. Practical Testing (4:43)
8. Sensor Alert via Email (8:53)
6. ESP32 Web Server
2. ESP32 Operating Modes (4:57)
1. What is a Web Server (2:43)
3. Circuit Design (4:40)
4. Understanding how esp32 work as a server (4:43)
5. Coding WiFi and Webserver settings (7:47)
6. Coding HTTP Requests and Server Start (11:02)
7. Coding Client Methods (13:49)
8.. Writing HTML Code for Webpages (17:31)
9. Practical (5:17)
7. Who we are
1. Who We Are (5:23)
8. ESP32 + Databaase to control Anything Anywhere
2. Creating SQL table (12:06)
1. Hosting Your Website (7:53)
3. PHP Script to Insert Data in Database (16:31)
4. PHP Script to Display Readings (12:37)
5. Coding ESP Part1 (15:31)
6. Coding ESP Part2 (7:08)
7. Practical Live Demonstration (7:12)
8. Add Actual Sensors and display Reading on Webpage (3:30)
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4. PHP Script to Display Readings
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