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French for beginners - From zero to pro in 60 minutes
1. Introduction to French
1. Introduction (2:13)
2. Why learn French? (1:36)
3. Who am I? (1:04)
4. You can do it ! (and Google is your friend) (2:12)
2. Basic vocabulary and grammar
1. The alphabet (3:58)
2. Days and months (4:13)
3. Numbers (7:45)
4. Geography and accents (1:50)
3. Let's speak !
1. Introduce yourself (7:02)
2. Being polite (4:24)
3. Gender (2:50)
4. Asking questions (2:07)
5. The order of words in French
4. Vocabulary and verbs
1. Family vocabulary (2:25)
2. Jobs vocabulary (1:30)
3. Common verbs (3:20)
5. 100% vocabulary
1. Airport and airplane vocabulary (1:33)
2. Hotel vocabulary (1:15)
3. Your personal items (0:59)
4. Places (1:12)
5. At the bar and restaurant (1:19)
6. Let's focus on letters !
1. Common abreviations in France and Belgium (2:22)
2. Dialogue (0:50)
3. Dialogue #2 (0:30)
7. French Culture
1. Bonus lecture (0:50)
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4. Geography and accents
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