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Design 3D Printed Enclosure for Arduino Boards Fusion 360
1. Introduction & Getting Started
1. Introduction (2:59)
2. Who We Are? (5:23)
3. Software Section
1. Download Fusion 360 (4:28)
2. Run Fusion 360 for the First time (3:56)
4. Fusion 360 User Interface
1. Fusion 360 User Interface (12:51)
5. Arduino UNO Encluser
1. Design the outer frame in 2d (5:47)
2. Extrude and Split the body in half (4:20)
3. Create standing points for the case (4:48)
6. Time Machine to Fix errors
1. Using Time Machine to Fix errors and add fillet (1:38)
7. Finish Up
1. Upper body holes and Chamfering process (5:52)
2. Importing Arduino UNO 3D Model (4:23)
3. Creating Joints and fixing issues (8:57)
4. Surface Cut out (4:32)
5. Adding Pins cut out and some art work (7:28)
8. 3D Animation
1. 3D Animation (4:15)
9. Arduino Mega 3D Enclosure
1. Create a sketch for Arduino Mega (7:55)
2. Creating the 3D Body for Arduino Mega (14:58)
3. Add Arduino Mega 3D Model (13:04)
4. Finishing the Board (12:07)
10. Who We Are?
1. Who We Are? (5:23)
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1. Upper body holes and Chamfering process
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