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How To Use Youtube To Grow Your Business
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (1:49)
2. 7 Definitive Reasons to Use Youtube to Boost Your Business. (2:26)
3. Buying the book for its cover How To Create an eye-catching Thumbnail (2:32)
4. The easiest way to start your Youtube channel to boost your business (2:26)
2. Tags, How to use words to get attention, and headlines
1. How to create interesting headlines to attract leads to your videos (2:56)
2. This is how you should use words to get attention in your headlines (2:48)
3. 5 Reasons to Tag Your Videos (2:49)
4. This is the correct way to use tags and get your clients’ attention (2:42)
3. Video engagement, number of clicks, and posring frequently
1. The best way to get clicks on your videos describing your videos (2:06)
2. Why is posting frequently important (1:28)
3. Improving Your Video Engagement (2:33)
4. Partnerships, goals, and plan your content
1. Why partnerships can help your business (2:09)
2. This is the real reason you have to plan your video content (2:17)
3. Why should you definitely set your goals for each video (2:38)
5. Grow your business, networking, and product content
1. You won-t believe how you can successfully create content and get a lot of views (2:29)
2. Unbelievable Ways to Grow Your Business on Youtube (1:55)
3. Boosting your business from videos of your product content (1:47)
4. Why networking can help you boost your business (2:34)
6. The number of followers, promote, and publicize your channel
1. How paying attention to your followers will help you create content. (2:13)
2. This is the ultimate way to promote your business using YouTube Shorts (1:43)
3. Publicizing your channel can be the definitive way to attract more clients (2:37)
7. How to edit videos
1. Open Projects, sequences and cutting videos (1:59)
2. How to write and edit text on Adobe Premiere (1:25)
3. How to save files and render videos (1:13)
4. How to add audio and video transitions and effects (1:09)
5. Premiere effects. (2:18)
6. Premiere volume. (2:00)
8. Youtube Hacks
1. Youtube Dashboard (5:04)
2. How to discover your rival video-s keywords and tags. (1:32)
3. Conclusion (0:28)
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3. Conclusion
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