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ESP32 Email Alert Based on Sensors Reading
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (2:19)
2. Download and Install Software Section
1. Download and Install Arduino Pro IDE (6:00)
2. Download and Install Arduino ESP and USB Driver (6:18)
3. Download and Install Arduino ESP32 v1 Development environment (4:05)
4. Load Your First Code to ESP32 Board (3:45)
3. SMTP Server
1. What is SMTP Server (1:24)
4. Mail Library
1. Install ESP32 Mail Library for Arduino (1:26)
2. Create a New Email Account to be used as Sender (4:49)
3. SMTP Server Settings (2:36)
5. Coding
1. Coding the ESP32 Email Alert Project (12:12)
2. Coding the ESP32 Email Alert Project Part2 (9:55)
6. Practical Testing
1. Practical Testing (4:43)
7. Sensor Alert via Email
1. Sensor Alert via Email (8:53)
8. Extra
1. ESP 32 Pinout v1 DOIT (9:08)
9. Who We Are?
1. Who We Are (5:23)
10. Bonus Lecture: Gifts, Coupons, and More.
1. Bonus Lecture (16:47)
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1. Coding the ESP32 Email Alert Project
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