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Increase Revenue From Website Visitor Using Link Redirection
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (5:26)
2. Educational Engineering Team - Who we are (5:46)
3. What you need to have (0:20)
4. What is Wordpress (0:47)
5. What is Google AdSense (0:45)
6. How earnings will be maximized (0:44)
2. The Used Technique
1. Installing the required PlugIn (1:36)
2. Creating the redirection pages (3:25)
3. Adding the redirection pages to your website (3:53)
4. Configuring the PlugIn and the First Page Template (2:48)
5. One Page Redirection Teqnique (1:53)
6. Making sure of everything (1:05)
7. How to Edit the Redirection Pages Files and Adsense Units (8:22)
3. Bonus Lecture
1. Bonus Lecture (16:47)
Teach online with
4. What is Wordpress
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